Hi everyone,

It's been nearly exactly a month since I've written in this journal. I apologize for the lack of updates. It's been really busy preparing for Mother's Day, which is the most important date of the year for us florists, along with Valentine's Day.

This year, I really want to offer something different for my clients. More greenery, and more wildflowers. Who says wildflowers don't belong in a bouquet? They actually do. The trick is to harvest them at the right time, and freshness is key, as they do not last as long as roses and others. But they are beautiful and my customers love them! It's really a plus that major companies don't offer, and can't offer. So artisans have to remain artisans and offer stuff that big corps can't.

I will write more later about the fine art of creating wildflower bouquets. Stay tuned. I just wanted to give a big shout out to my friend Kiara who's managing her new website in Canadian - Canadian florists - who's been supporting me in my daily work with a high dose of inspiration. Thank you.